Ein russischer BMP kam der mechanisierten Brigadelinie des 22. UA-Bataillons zu nahe, die Absteigenden mussten abspringen und es herrschte Chaos. Es endete schlecht für sie. Fubar.orc

    Von Usual-Scarcity-4910


    1. …. dismounting them out in an open field. Brilliant tactics on display here.

    2. crunkcritique on

      BMP definitely crushed one friendly in the beginning.

      Jesus fucking christ what a joke of a country. I’ve seen this exact scene a hundred god damn times already I’m over it.. fuck Russia

    3. Alone-Supermarket-98 on

      WTF??? They got dismounted in open ground about 150 meters away from an occupied treeline?

      Apparently russian doctrine is to have an APC bring infantry as far as their final resting place.

    4. Always4564 on

      How do they even pick who drives these things?

      Sergei has a drivers license, the others have cirrhosis, so Sergei is the driver?

    5. virus_apparatus on

      A classic Russian assault.

      You got all the greatest hits. Random, single BMP all that the assault entails. Dismounts getting crushed by their own transport. And finally the dismounts running back as drones pick off the injured.

      “The boys just don’t wanna fight”-capt Blayt

    6. What took out the fleeing bmp, based on its speed out, assuming they knew they were about to be wasted? Didn’t seem like a mine hit it, Bradley?

      Also didn’t look like the bmp provided any fire support against the held tree line?? No idea what the gunner was doing. What, are they solo manning the armor now?

    7. How the Zfuck do they always run over their own? Why the fuck do they jump in front or behind a moving vehicle? Why doesn’t the driver have any idea where are they gonna go? These are all rhetorical questions

    8. When you get dismounted 150m from the enemy position in an open field, you have only one option: Throw your hands in the air… …one way or another.

    9. Rypskyttarn on

      Kursk region? The fields are pretty pristine compared to what we are used to.

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