Die Kommunistische Partei Burmas (PLA) und die OPRF (Oppressed People’s Revolutionary Force) überfallen Soldaten der myanmarischen Armee, die Fahrzeuge in der Gemeinde Natmauk (Aung Sans Geburtsort) inspizieren (9. September)

Von CaliRecluse

1 Comment

  1. CaliRecluse on

    Aung San was not only the founding father of Myanmar/Burma and the father of Aung San Su Kyi, but he also founded the CPB. However, the Communists and the Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom League eventually became [enemies ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist_insurgency_in_Burma)as the former considered the latter as sellouts to imperialists. That’s not even considering Ne Win’s atrocities against suspected Communists as the leader of the Burma Socialist Programme Party.

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