Die Herausforderungen des Sprachenlernens als Erwachsener


    Von Air-Alarming


    1. Go talk to people. It’s way faster than trying to learn it this way. Just spend a lot of time around Cypriots and listening to them talk to each other (very loud so shouldn’t be a problem to overhear). That said, I cannot read or write so for that it may be more important

    2. amarao_san on

      I opted out of learning all grammar until I able to read freely. You don’t need rules to read, and you learn complicated corner cases (when grammar matter) one by one, and get intuition.

      Then you discuss with a teacher proper rules to support intuition.

      Not a fast way, but low stress and pretty yielding in the process. When you can read (and can understand), Greek becoming less and less intimidating.

      And for ‘can read’ you need:

      1. Learn all new words you find in the text.
      2. Try to recover dictionary form of the word from declination (ChatGPT is really good at it)
      3. Occasionally ask questions for grammar, when meaning is not clear.

      The rest is simple: read.

      Recently I’ve added also videos with greek subtitles to help with listening skill, but mostly the same reading, but at higher speed.

    3. I suggest to more often accept and just use that you even don’t understand completely, this is how child learning languages. Adults too much thinking about how

    4. NewGeneral7964 on

      That seems kinda an ineffective way to learn language… You seem to be overdoing the grammar aspects, you don’t need that unless you’re an academic. Think about learning a language as a baby learns it.

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