Brasilianischer Bürgermeisterkandidat schlägt seinem politischen Rivalen im Live-Fernsehen mit einem Stuhl auf den Kopf


  1. Bored_guy_in_dc on

    >Far-right digital influencer and life coach Marcal

    >Marcal accused his political rival, who like him has never held a political office, of wanting to attack him during a previous TV debate but desisting because he was “not man enough.”

    I guess he *was* after all! lol

  2. Single_Positive533 on

    “You are not man enough to hit me with your hands”

    **Throws a chair**

    “I guess you were right”

  3. Moloko_Drencron on

    Marçal (the chair target) is an internet guru who made news headlines in 2022 for leading a group of 32 people in a mountain hike, as part of a motivational coaching event. Things went very wrong as the group had no proper training or equipment and weather changed during the stint. They had to be saved by a Fire Department Mountain Rescue team. Although the police investigation did not result in a prosecution, the Fire Department head mad several very harsh statements about Marçal risking the lives both of his followers and people involved on the rescue operation.

    Before that, in 2010, he had been convicted as part of a group of hackers that stole money from people – mostly elderly persons – invading their bank accounts; he never went to jail due to statute of limitations.

    He is trying to use the same extreme right strategies B****naro addopted to win the presidential election in 2018: no real government program but lots of fake news and slandering of other contendents with invented, assorted charges. He accused José Luis Datena (the “agressor”) of having molested a girl years ago, although he was completely cleared from the charges. However, during the proccess his mother-in-law had a stroke and passed away, and this was attributed to the stress caused by the whole situation. Therefore, when the guy started to accuse him (falsely) to be a molester and provoked him, he loose all and went for it.

  4. LapsedVerneGagKnee on

    “Bah Gawd King! Datena just crowned Marcal with the chair! Where’s the ref?”

  5. Dangerous_Nitwit on

    Why Use a chair? Did they leave the top turnbuckle at home again?

  6. While violence should have no part in politics, the scene itself was hilarious, dude is a swindler who used to trick old people out of their money and somehow got popular because the far right is full of idiots, the fact that he got beaten with a chair by an old man is just karma at work.

  7. Old-Bridge-5918 on

    So banning x was not only the fun that has been going inside Brazil!!!

  8. Marçal is a swindler that has been poisoning the political debate from day one, instigating, falsely accusing and generally just acting like a complete moron. Not many people are sorry for him.

    We have a saying here: “the medicine for a fool is a fool and a half”.

  9. brazillion on

    So annoying. I’m Brazilian American and a Michigan grad so as it’s football season, I’ve been wearing my M hat around here in Brazil. A weeks ago some dude comes up to me at a fair and starts yapping at me about my hat. Asks if I am a supporter of so and so. I’m like I have no idea who you are talking about.

    Turns out this Marçal loser has been wearing M hats and people associate the hats with him. It was already irritating enough when the Bozo cunts co-opted the yellow Brazil shirt. Now it’s any hat with an M on it. It won’t stop me from wearing the hat, but I’ll just probably tell whoever approaches me to fuck off.

  10. The one time when a headline saying “public figure A *SMASHES* public figure B” is actually literal.

  11. To give some context to non brazilians here: the guy is one of the few people who could get smashed with a chair and I’d feel bad for the chair

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