Ukrainische Soldaten der 81. Luftmobilbrigade räumen russische Stellungen mit TM-62-Minen in der Nähe von Bilohorivka, Luhansk.

Von 14zoner


  1. Veganes_Lachsfilet on

    What the hell, did they just make a oversized grenade out of a Tank Mine ?

  2. kingofblackice on

    That random shot in the dark @ 2 minutes is how friendly-fire happens.

  3. PsychedelicCoctail on

    When a lighter is part of the kit, I would at least expect a zippo or a jet one…

  4. Substantial-Cat-8838 on


    From land mine to hand mine.

    Why wait for the enemy to stumble upon your land mine when you can deliver it to them personally!

  5. Makijezakon on

    And here you are, sitting in a trench, voting for putin, minding your own business, and all of the sudden a rigged anti tank mine comes in with a burning fuse. You hear someone screaming “davai blyat” but it’s too late.

  6. PineappleMelonTree on

    The way he just nonchalantly lobs that second mine into the trench made me burst out with laughter.

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