Habe gestern Abend den Nachthimmel mit meinem Handy aufgenommen. Jetzt frage ich mich, ob das genau in der Mitte die Andromeda-Galaxie ist?

Und weiß jemand, was der Sternhaufen in der unteren linken Ecke ist?



  1. It’s the milky way. The cluster on the bottom left, I think, it’s the pleiades. 

  2. Sweet_Lane on

    As others said, lower left is Pleiades and right middle is indeed Andromeda. I would add, the slightly above the center is χh Perseus aka double cluster.

    Impressed by the width of the field! I’ve never seen the astrophoto with such a wide angle.

  3. toilets_for_sale on

    Locate Andromeda, then find the star Mirach and look a bit below that in your image for the faint glow of the Triangulum Galaxy too.

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