Ich wurde auf dem Zebrastreifen vor dem Bahnhof von Drumcondra von einem Radfahrer angefahren. Ich hatte bereits einen Bruch im Oberarmknochen und wollte nichts riskieren. Ich wartete, bis die Fußgängerampel grün war. Ich glaube, es dauerte nur zwei Sekunden, bis ich weiterging und sah, wie ein Fahrrad auf mich zuraste.

Im nächsten Moment hatte ich das Gefühl, das Fahrrad läge auf mir. Blut auf dem Boden und meiner Hand. Und mein Kopf tat verdammt weh. Ich war dankbar für Fremde, die mir halfen, meine Blutung zu stoppen, und rief den Krankenwagen. Ich schätze, ich war zu geschockt, denn das war das erste Mal, dass ich so viel Blut aus meinem Kopf sah.

Ich hatte Glück, dass es nur eine Gehirnerschütterung war und ich nur vier Stiche brauchte. Passt einfach auf die rasenden Fahrzeuge mit zwei Rädern auf, Jungs, denn die unterschätzt man so leicht. Bleibt noch ein paar Sekunden stehen und schaut nach links oder rechts, bevor ihr die Straße überquert.


Von leglath


  1. TomatoJuice303 on

    I’m sorry that this happened to you. There is no such thing as ‘just a concussion’. Rehab from that correctly. Did the cyclist at least apologise?

  2. SnaggleWaggleBench on

    Jaysis, your eyes look swollen shut, but at least you still have a bit of colour in your cheeks.

  3. brianDEtazzzia on

    Heck dude. I always taught my kids to wait they all stop. The green man doesn’t mean shit till they stop.

    Get well soon internet dude. Hope for no complications for ya.

  4. cambria334 on

    Sorry to hear, there’s a certain proportion of cyclists for which traffic lights don’t seem to apply. It’s extremely irritating.

  5. Nothing funny about breaking your humerus. 

    Hope you’ve a quick recovery.

  6. This cyclist was clearly not paying attention and from what you’ve described should be investigated and/or charged for cycling without reasonable consideration.

    It gives those of us who cycle with due care a bad name.

  7. bucketybuck on

    Cyclists always have right of way and lights don’t apply to them. Its a harsh lesson to learn.

  8. pup_mercury on

    Did you get a sick note before you left the hospital.

    Get yourself a bunch of comfort food and enjoy a week of rest to heal up.

  9. redditUser76754689 on

    Too many cyclists out there who never really stop for anything.

    Every morning outside my estate I see multiple cyclists going through the red lights, often overtaking cyclists who have actually stopped for the lights.

    Obviously 99% of the time it’s grand and I have never seen an incident with a pedestrian but definitely seen near misses with other vehicles.

  10. Neither-Cranberry921 on

    You should be able to step off a footpath when the pedestrian light is green without looking, but you can’t. I was nearly hit by a bus like that.

  11. As a cyclist, this kind of stuff really pisses me off. I’m sorry OP. Can only say it’s a good thing it wasnt’ a car, but that’s little comfort I’m sure.

  12. Dependent-Net9429 on

    Was standing in Winetavern street today and the number of cyclists plowing down the hill at breakneck speed and paying no attention to traffic coming out from Cook Street was scary.

  13. chimpdoctor on


    Sorry this has happened to you.

    That spot is an absolute nightmare to navigate as a pedestrian and cyclist. Cyclist 100% in the wrong here though.

    Is this the location:

    If I read correctly you were walking across at the lights where the entrance to the cycle lane on the path to continue up drumcondra rd intersects the pedestrian crossing. I cycle this route regularly and every time I go to cycle up onto the path cycle lane there is more often than not a pedestrian standing across the intersection. It’s very difficult to discern the cycle path and the start of the pedestrian crossing.

    I’m surprised this doesn’t happen more often at this intersection.

  14. Difficult-Set-3151 on


    Were you at the lights where the cycle lane starts? I always pay extra attention there as a cyclist because it’s hard for pedestrians to see that cyclists will be coming onto the path. If the cyclist was paying attention, they would have seen you waiting.

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