Quellen: Mann, der verdächtigt wird, einen japanischen Schüler in China getötet zu haben, wurde offiziell festgenommen
Die Ukraine schlägt ein Loch in das russische Luftverteidigungsnetz und vernichtet vier Radargeräte in zwei Tagen
Er wird beim Hochsprung dabei sein, wenn sein kommandierender Offizier es herausfindet. https://x.com/PStyle0ne1/status/1834459234030735422 Von Wokkafans
DrBitchin on 14.09.2024 2:57 PM With something like this, is it lights out? Or is there a chance he’s still alive & conscious midair?
ballysham on 14.09.2024 3:55 PM I visit a few subs over the course of this war but no other sub mocks death quite like this one
Consistent_Aide_7661 on 14.09.2024 4:29 PM Maybe I was just raised different but how do you guys laugh about this
Keep some humanity, will you?
Meh!! 5 pt deduction for the large splash
10 10 10
Why do we use x.com 🤬
With something like this, is it lights out? Or is there a chance he’s still alive & conscious midair?
Didn’t it look like his spotter couldn’t keep himself together?
No longer clicking on “x” links
Why is it like a 80% chance of losing your pants when you die?
Shallow water to be diving from that height.
I visit a few subs over the course of this war but no other sub mocks death quite like this one
Link doesn’t work.
What were the first bubble’s, did he fart?
Maybe I was just raised different but how do you guys laugh about this
He didn’t look all that alive before…