Ich habe heute gesehen, dass sie auf dem Ring R0 in der Nähe von Zaventem in Richtung Tervuren einige Schilder geändert haben – vorher standen beide Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungsschilder auf 100, ab August/September ist die Situation wie auf dem Bild – auf dem Schild links steht 100, während auf dem rechten 90 steht – was ist dort also eigentlich die Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung? Ein paar hundert Meter weiter gibt es auch einen Radargerät und ich bin wirklich verwirrt darüber


Von FormalTimely1242


  1. Looks confusing.

    I can’t tell for sure, but I’ve read signs on the left can only be *reminders*, not *enforcers*, if you get what I mean. The one on the right would enforce a speed, so it’d be 90.

    At least that’s how I’d perceive it.

  2. Beneficial-Space3019 on

    I’m more interested in what that thing is on the left…?

  3. No_Alps_1454 on

    I would think the sign on the right is for the merging lanes and the sign in the middle is for the three left lanes.

  4. greenclosettree on

    My guess would be that the one on the right is for traffic joining the R, once they are there I guess they d be able to speed up to 100

  5. Isn’t this an on-ramp and exit to/from the highway immediately after each other? As the maximum speed of the exit has to be 90 to make the turn I can see why they would keep the speed on the two right lanes down to 90 on entry.

    Don’t worry, nobody is going to penalize you if you accelerate to a 100 in the 2nd lane from the right before you join the 3rd from the.left, just don’t do a 100 when taking the exit.

  6. There is an important part to consider though. If you’re on the R0 coming from Zaventem towards Tervuren, you’re on the main road. If (as seen in the image above) your coming form Kraainem and you are going to be merging onto the R0 from the right, you’re supposed to be going 90. Not 100. The mergers should give way to the ones already driving 100 on the R0 and not exceed the 90 limit. Traffic on R0 coming from Zaventem should not exceed 100 and can’t drive on the “voorrangsweg” to the right thus they can ignore the merging lane’s speed limit.

    Just looked it up on google maps to see the situation.

  7. As the code de la route/wegcode tells us; you should only ever follow instructions from signs on the right. Signs put on the left can only serve as reminders of what’s on the right. There is no sign on your right though. But, there is a 100km/h speed limit sign earlier on the R0 before the interchange. That’s what the 100 sign on the left reminds you.

    The merging lane is limited at 90 though.

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