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Kjo karja qe mashtron budallenjte dhe hap accounte fake con follow ne tik tok
ekstrapolohet me PISA scores. Dallohet edhe nga kriminaliteti edhe kurvelimi te larte qe jan traits te low IQ.
The world organization is essentially an unofficial source (the first and only website claiming Albanians to be 81iq) an independent, for-profit entity without clear agendas, and its reliability is uncertain.
As a matter of fact, a lot of IQ maps are extremely misrepresentative since there’s no way for these institutions to administer real wide scale IQ tests. The reality is, they just find out what job is the most common in the country, associate that with an IQ level that is usually associated with that profession, and just call it a day. So in most countries where people are mostly farmers or low level laborers, they just assume the people are of low IQ. This is why you should never take an IQ map at face value.
Kush eshte kjo dum-dumesha?
Kjo s’di as te shkruaje shqip… Studime pa vlere, ana e kundert e medaljes me ata qe i bejne shqiptaret me te zgjuarit ne bote: nuk ndihem aspak krenar kur flasin ata e nuk me prekin as keto “studime”.
A e ka nis kta kjo, a o ka i referohet naj videos tjeter?
Koka e miiiiir
Jori i hex-it, lmao.
Po pertoje te shkruaj me shume sot, po kjo eshte kare me xhufka.
Ne bote jo, po ne europe ne jemi ne vend te pare
Si mund të gjeneralizosh një popull të tërë në kêtë lloj mënyre
Vetem ujku shijakut ne doshta
Bot OP
IQ is very real, but i have not seen this map.
what does the map say Albanian IQ is?
You find these people in this sub too! This sub is full of people like her.
Frustrated by the day-to-day they find comfort in saying Albanian people are the worst in the world.
They only change their tune if their bullshit is taken seriously.
Albanians are criminals and have filled world’s prisons she says!
We say the same thing in parlamant, in TV studios and here too. So she’s only repeating us. But her mistake is, she did it in a tik tok video
I swear we have published and upvoted that map on here, in this sub
But if we gave a fuck and read a few books we would know that simply the education system in Albania doesn’t teach what the IQ tests look for. That’s it.
Take science for example! How many villages teach science? What kind of education are you getting when even in the capital you need to photocopy textbooks?
She’s a typical redditor
And, she says, if you need evidance that our IQ is low look at how we don’t know how to park and look after one another! So she too has no fucking idea what an IQ test is – 100% like redditors that complain about Albanians
To be very honest now, I’ve talked with many Albanians with lots of different subjects, my Gymbros read often (one of them is affectionate by stoicism) and they are very intelligent.. not to mention girls (not the gold diggers) are very intelligent and have different ideas. If I compare with some of my friends of United States (who speak only one language) Albanians are very smart, beyond the Albanian language, almost all of them speak Italian and English
Why are people surprised, the elites already left the country. What do you think happens to avg iq when you lose half of your population, especially your intellectuals. Idiots destroyed everything built during communism and the elite class so that they can drive used up Benz and charge ridiculous prices on real estate many usurped, transforming the country in a state of dysgenics. What’s even worse is that the most criminal are the ones reproducing now since they are the only ones staying (taking advantage of naive and desperate locals as complete capitalist slaves) and have money. All that work Enver put into to turn a back water ottomans village into a semi functioning state with guaranteed employment, housing, healthcare and stability into a clown show of money laundrying, slumlord, and gango nonsense.
I don’t agree with the statements of this girl, but the IQ thing,…you actually have prove for that. Sadly the PISA studies show a significant trend that albanians aren’t educated enough and therefore the IQ is lower than in other countries… It’s a shame and the politics of kosovo and albania has to do some work to change that
Edit: I know that the PISA isn’t an Indicator for IQ but it definetly correlates
E sigurt që kjo botja poston karlliqe online se nuk ka nerva njeri me ça karin me të në jetën e përditshme
Injorantë* Është ne shumës
As a Serb, after I wake up and get my breakfast, I take my laptop and create a fake IQ map, putting Albanians at end of scale.
I mean, WTF??? How ignorant you must be to believe in this? It’s always politics and cheap rhetoric. l think we are all tired of. For our politicians, Albanians will always be stepping stone towards happiness and stability, for your politicians we will be always little Russians that are here on Balkans to destroy democracy and peace.
For regular citizens, we don’t think about you, we don’t care, we wish you good luck and all the best, but we have so much problems that we don’t have a time to think about you. And for sure we are not waking up with a thought: WHICH FAKE MAP I SHOULD CREATE WHERE I PUT ALBANIANS AT LAST PLACE.
Si flasim ne sikur sjemi…
Si quhet kjo zonja ne tiktok?
Whatever this iq is those filthy serbians can keep it for themself 🖕