Gestrandete Astronauten wollen bei den Wahlen 2024 aus dem Weltraum abstimmen


  1. BuffaloOk7264 on

    I hope their not residents of Texas, abbutt and axeman will have something to say about that!

  2. TraderNuwen on

    I’m guessing they’re going to keep very quiet about who they’re voting for… particularly if they’re relying on Elon to get them home.

  3. okwtheburntones on

    I imagine that those two are perfectly happy to have gained so much extra time on the space station. It’s cool that they will have the distinction of having voted for president from space, joining a very small club in many ways.

  4. I knew Kamala was putting money into mobilizing citizens outside of the country but this is a lot further then I thought.

  5. Fox news: All 10000 astronauts on the international space station vote for Trump!

  6. icelandichorsey on

    White men in space of course get more rights than black people on land.

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