Überalterung, Überarbeitung und Unterfinanzierung: Experten zufolge steht der NASA eine düstere Zukunft bevor



  1. You can all thank the US Congress and a non-existent space policy of the white house.

  2. random-andros on

    Lol, this is a story that has existed since the beginning of NACA. Brain drain and a lack of intergenerational knowledge-sharing, plus a lack of interest in the previous generations’ knowledge base, has made this an ongoing issue in most tech sectors that go back further than a couple of decades. The repeated failures to appreciate the folks that came before in your chosen field is a never-ending challenge.

    Unfortunately, the fallout tends to lie not simply in languishing projects, but launch failures and high-velocity impacts on extraterrestrial surfaces.

  3. failSafePotato on

    Got downvoted for saying this here last time but don’t really care.

    Take from the military budget and fund nasa. It literally pays for itself to have a well funded NASA.

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