Mehrwertsteuererhöhung um 0,7 % zur Finanzierung der 13. Rentenzahlung

    Von bedberner


    1. As was to be expected, they chose the worst way to finance this.

      I really regret voting yes now -.-

    2. Internal_Leke on

      Congrats on the wealthiest group of the country for having successfully convinced the majority to give them a raise.

      But why stop here? There’s still a lot to do:

      * Reduce the real estate tax for individuals owning their own house. Some of them are paying nearly 1,000CHF tax and mortgage interest a month for a mere 160m2 house, and it’s 10 minutes away from the center.
      * Make it mandatory for young parents to give money to the grand parents baby sitting the kids (this is a real request from some elderly people)
      * Special subsidized rates for senior traveling: some of them can only go abroad 10 weeks a year due to the high cost, one should be able to travel at least 15 weeks a year when retired.

      Obviously I’m joking (partly), but it would have made much more sense to have a targeted raise, rather than a general one.

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