Lukaschenko zu Paschinjan: „Sie haben selbst zugegeben, dass Karabach Aserbaidschan ist. Wer hat Ihnen die Zunge verdreht?“

Von datashrimp29


  1. Inevitable_4791 on

    its still crazy how this dude pasho 4 years ago was going around saying that defending the sacred and holy lands of artsakh was the most important task for any armenian in the world and now hes taking pictures of some shitty mountain in his jet and telling people that that is their sacred land

    in a few years he will pray in the blue mosque next to alijev and tell armenians to convert as its refreshing and better or something

  2. I don’t know why anybody would listen to what Luka has to say.

    He will say one thing today and another tomorrow. No one should trust thim.

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