Nordkorea veröffentlicht erstmals Bilder seiner Urananreicherungsanlage


  1. KissMySuperHairyAss on

    And also reveals that Kim Jong Un has dressed up as Kylo Ren for Halloween.

  2. letsbuildasnowman on

    Shit balloons, nuclear warheads, using VX nerve agent in a major international airport, and millions of starving people. Yeah, NK just can’t get right. We should’ve let MacArthur finish the job.

  3. thrilla_gorilla on

    Aww, Fatty needs more grain to feed his starving army. Time to hold the world hostage again.

  4. Sufficient-Object-89 on

    Geogessers being called up by the US government right now..

  5. Darth-Mormonguy on

    Who let them get access to Factorio goshdarnit!? The dark science of the uranium enrichment process must be quarantined. INQUISITORS!

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