Zu Beginn der Operation Desert Storm wird eine BGM-109 Tomahawk-Landangriffsrakete (TLAM) vom Schlachtschiff USS Missouri (BB-63) auf ein irakisches Ziel abgefeuert. 17. Januar 1991.

Von Hotrico


  1. Caffeine_and_Alcohol on

    Ah yes, i remember 1991 having photo quality like it was ww2

  2. National_Search_537 on

    After its modernization the Iowa class battle ship became one of if not the most powerful ships on the sea. The tomahawks ability to reach far inland and also the potential to be nuclear armed there wasn’t many places you could hide from the ol’girl. The Missouri sat off the coast of Iraq and shelled the beach while hitting Baghdad with a cruise missile so accurate it could hit within 16ft of its target.

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