Wie einfach ist es, ein Boot zu mieten? Ist es für jüngere Menschen zu empfehlen?

(c) George Kurashvili


Von G56G


  1. Boats on the photo are provided by the canyon administration. You pay at the entrance for the admission and you pay extra if you want to have a boat ride. Very easy.

  2. zaalqartveli on


    Spent every summer in there till 97.

    Did you know there was a soccer field right next to this place?

    We called it კუჭუხურა.

    There is – or used to be – very old watermill next to a bridge…. cemetery on the hill…. first hydro-electric power station from 1928…. RIVER ABASHA – MY LOVE!

    Fucking miss EBACHIE.

  3. Sea-Cryptographer143 on

    I have visited in August it’s beautifully breathtaking, can’t
    wait to go back !

  4. External_Tangelo on

    It’s not like you can just take your boat and go where you want. You’re divided into a group of six while a guide steers you. You paddle up, stop for one photo op, paddle back. You have to paddle by yourself so it’s not so convenient for photography along the way. All over in about 15 minutes. Definitely one of the more disappointing national park experiences in Georgia. Also quite overcrowded and expensive. Very beautiful, but very poor design and management.

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