Wetten, dass er die Doppelgänger von Kate und William für einen Werbegag bezahlt und dann an den Meistbietenden verkauft hat? Mittlerweile merken die Medien, dass sie im Stich gelassen wurden …

Von SadComposer2043


  1. truelikeicelikefire on

    There are few things less interesting than the Royal Family.

    Just my 2 cents.

  2. reallycooldude69 on

    June 1985 makes him 38 now, not 40 as stated in the caption.

  3. So he ran to his car because he didn’t have a camera in his phone to shoot a grainy bigfoot style video through a window.

  4. Absofuckinglutly! This is exactly why the BBC hasn’t covered the video at the shop and only mentioned it in “today’s papers” section on their site…

    My guess is they can only report on what the royal family allow them to report on!? And this wasn’t really them so they can’t tell them to report it?

  5. TestPilotIan on

    This is my thought too, we’re going to find out in a few days that he paid some royal lookalikes to do this and it’s all a big hoax,

  6. BartholomewKnightIII on

    Someone mentioned that those are the Christmas huts behind them, that they use between September to January.

  7. Monarco_Olivola on

    The first lie: Royals grocery shopping. They have personal cooking staff that do all that stuff.

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