Neues KI-Gerät erkennt Bluthochdruck – nur anhand der Stimme einer Person


  1. Submission statement: Per the article, the researchers made an app that uses machine learning to analyze vocal biomarkers that are “indiscernible to the human ear.” This includes variability in pitch, patterns in speech and energy distribution, and the sharpness of sound changes. Apparently, the researchers have also used vocal biomarkers and diagnosing Type 2 diabetes, finding that there is a relationship between glucose levels and voice pitch.

    This is obviously a really cool and innovative discovery, which the scientists said they hope makes health screening more accessible to low-income communities — but how do you think this kind of thing would roll out in reality, past the scientific development stage?

  2. Zaedin0001 on

    Isn’t this just that thing that got pitched successfully on Shark Tank only to get sued into oblivion for providing false readings?

  3. StickItInTheBuns on

    Should have been used in last night’s debate to show how the orange was about to burst

  4. AnotherUsername901 on

    You don’t need a device to tell you when someone’s blood pressure sky rockets they generally get louder aggressive and turn red

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