Schätzung der Anzahl der Atomsprengköpfe, über die jeder Atomstaat im Jahr 2024 verfügen wird.

Von Charming-Yak-5111


  1. Annual-Duty-6468 on

    Since we don’t have Iran listed I guess we are being hopeful?

  2. Last I heard, France (290) had more than China (260). China doubled its arsenal.

  3. Is the number 9,600 nuclear bombs enough to engage with gray alien forces?

  4. I understand that in the early days of the Cold War, the strategy was to match nuke for nuke in order to knock out the enemies weapons first before they can be used against you.

    Is this still necessary in the age of precision weapons? Couldn’t asymmetric weapons be used to destroy an enemy’s stockpile without the negative sides of using nuclear weapons?

  5. Iran might possibly have them already, the Saudis can definitely get them relatively easily with help from the Pakistanis, and probably will, if and when Iran comes out.

    Probably not the smartest move on Israel’s part to go nuclear and then protest nucleat proliferation.

  6. YYC_boomer on

    DPRK probably only has 3 or 4. They have never had a full scale nuclear test. I mean with something like 100 kilotons yield.

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