Humanoide Roboter kommen in Privathaushalte: Lernen Sie die NEO Beta kennen – Wir erklären alles, was wir über den neuen humanoiden Roboter von 1X für Privathaushalte wissen, die NEO Beta.


  1. From the article

    >1X’s decision to show Neo with its arm around a person indicates how 1X may be hoping to differentiate itself from the competition. Most other robotics companies tend to show interaction with humans primarily to test robustness or to show how humans and robots can work together. 1X seems to be selling a kind of close and casual encounter that we haven’t seen a lot in the humanoid robotics space.

  2. burnbothends91 on

    I don’t like how that robot is trying to bang that guy’s wife…

  3. How are people being taken in by this? Its clearly a guy in a cheap tracksuit.

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