Straßenmusikant von pro-palästinensischen Demonstranten angegriffen, Melbourne erlebt größten Protest seit Jahrzehnten


  1. Mormaethor on

    The rally turned violent when protesters clashed with buskers on Bourke Street outside David Jones. Protesters demanded the buskers stop their performance and declare their support for “the children of Gaza”.

    “When we stopped our performance and started packing up, a protester began chanting into a microphone. We tried to communicate with him, saying, “We don’t have a problem with your cause; just let us move our equipment.

    “In response, another protester mocked us, gestured rudely, and swore at us. This individual attempted to step on my pedal board. In self-defence of my expensive equipment—which I rely on for my livelihood—I moved the protester away. This action triggered an aggressive reaction from the protest group.

    “A mob of protesters then violently attacked Konstantin and me, an incident captured on camera by Konstantin. Cam was struck in the face with a steel flagpole, shattering his glasses and narrowly missing his eye. During the chaos, the police intervened, but our equipment was severely damaged—crushed and kicked around, as shown in the video footage.”

  2. InsuranceToHold on

    They’ll be the first to complain when the mounted police turn up. They always wail about that. And it’s always great to watch.

  3. It is frustrating to watch the police take so long to step in to prevent these guys being harassed and then attacked. Being a ‘protest’ shouldn’t give cunts special privileges to harass and intimidate innocent bystanders.

  4. Low_Jelly_7126 on

    Now now, be tolerant and accepting of the majestic Islam culture.

  5. Uzorglemon on

    Pretty shitty situation. I’ve attended plenty of the Sydney-based protests, and they’ve always been chill and peaceful. Shame this has happened.

  6. FuriousKnave on

    Stop calling them protestors only thugs and criminals hide their faces and wear masks. These are violent thugs not protestors.

  7. ChocolateMcCuntish on

    Yes but there’s plenty of papers in Melbourne’s publishing this story..but you went for the one page with an indistinguishable bias?

  8. mustscience on

    I mean Hamas surely considers music haram, so no wonder the pro-Palestinian Hamas-loving protesters would attack someone playing music and having fun.

  9. TexasAggie98 on

    This is what happens when you allow unfettered immigration from cultures that don’t respect Western values.

  10. TexasAggie98 on

    When you allow large scale immigration from Middle Eastern countries, don’t be surprised when people act like they are still in Middle Eastern countries.

  11. SuitAffectionate6351 on

    Is this the so called intifada? Sounds like peaceful reasonable people.

  12. Vaposerror on

    So do the protesters want to shape foreign polici with fear and the threat of violence?

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