1. blurmageddon on

    >Using common food dye, researchers make skin and muscle safely and reversibly transparent.

    So far it’s only been animal tested but this is super fascinating since, according to the article, it

    >may ultimately apply to a wide range of medical diagnostics, from locating injuries to monitoring digestive disorders to identifying cancers.

  2. legowerewolf on

    On one hand, this is really cool.

    On the other, *I hate this so much*.

  3. i wonder if its more effective on Caucasian people than people with melanin.

  4. Isn’t there a mutant in X-Men or something where his only super power is invisible skin and nothing else?

  5. brihamedit on

    Apply it on human see if it works. Seems like a safe thing to try. What does it look like btw on rats?

  6. throw20190820202020 on

    Come on, *somebody* has to have some Yellow #5 lying around. Do it do it!

  7. MelancholyArtichoke on

    This has potential for some killer Halloween applications.

  8. This uses Yellow 5, which contains benzidene, a known carcinogen. Yellow 5 itself is under study for whether it is cancerous. Odd choice.

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