Tag 5 – Der schönste Teil des Landes


Von river-phoenixxx94


  1. easymoneysniper696 on

    ‘Mitrovica e Veriut’ shkruje poshte fjalise ‘place to avoid’. S’po dihet per cka ka qene fjala.

  2. Thetitanscream on

    Rrafshi i Dukagjinit! Ka natyren (Rugova, malet e Gjakoves, fushat e Rahovecit) edhe qytete piktoreske dhe me randsi kulturore si Prizreni, Gjakova, Peja etj

  3. Icy_Limit204 on

    Place to avoid e keni lon Mitrrovicen e veriut 🤦
    Bash duhet me ndodhe e kunderta ai vend mu vizitu se osht i joni.
    A krejt ktu jeni coolera te fortniteit a?
    Te pagdhenden

  4. Places to avoid: Fushe Kosova. Pse Mitrovica e Veriut? Ja paskeni fute kot

  5. Eldergrise on

    Don’t delete the description of the pictures. People who don’t know what is meant with each picture.

  6. Peja – Rugova, jo shume e modernizuar por per nga natural beauty me e vecanta.

  7. Putrid-Performer-208 on

    mate can u edit the pictures so that we know what categories they belong to?

  8. universal_serpentine on

    Peja? Ndoshta per malet e Rugoves po se Peja si qytet ma katastrofe s’ka. Ato rruge te ngushta, ndertesa te pamirebajtuna, mbeturina, hallakam si si Indi e Bangladesh etj.

    Prape Rrafshi i Dukagjinit duke i marre parasysh Malet e Rugoves, Carshine e Gjakoves, Prizrenin, Malet e Sharrit etj

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