Kleine Hintergrundgeschichte:

Gestern war ich in einem Aldi-Laden, weil ich gehört habe, dass sie gute Preise haben. Habe mir Müsli für den Morgen gekauft, aber als ich es morgens zum ersten Mal öffnete, fand ich einen Wurm darin. Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum ist der 27.07.2025

Soll ich also aufhören, bei Aldi einzukaufen? Denn das ist nicht die Lebensmittelqualität, die ich suche, insbesondere in der Schweiz. Oder sollte das jemandem gemeldet werden?


Von JoosepR


  1. watch_passion on

    That’s not a bug. That’s a feature. It gives extra protein.

  2. kennystillalive on

    Tell the store what happened ask for your money back. Give them also the LOT (Charge) not only the best before date, so they can check if there are other packages infested.

    Generally I can say this can happen with any type of natural products.

  3. ecchy_mosis on

    Nice try Migros PR person, not falling for that fabricated story /s

  4. Throw everything away immediately and get the trash out of your home! You won‘t be able to get them out if they start spreading. I got i few of them within a christmas basket from Globus. Can happen everywhere they are really persistent and can get in almost everything.

  5. redsterXVI on

    This can happen in any store. But do let them know ASAP. This is a food moth larva, i.e. there was an egg in your box that hatched while it was on the store shelf. Those eggs don’t usually come in singles, there are likely dozens of contaminated boxes and you definitely don’t want those suckers to spread any further (if you’re Aldi).

    Also, kill that larva and get this box out of your flat ASAP. Definitely don’t want to risk food moths in your kitchen.

  6. plazebology on

    Contact the manufacturer with a receipt and you will likely get some sort of voucher or refund. This is obviously gross but it’s just a part of life. I once bit into a fig newton and got a mouthful of wasp remains. I just shrugged it off, got my refund, and continued shopping at the same store.

  7. david_gale on

    You can blame Aldi but I think you can encounter this problem in muesli or other products bought in any shop.

  8. Take the he whole box back to the store and i‘m pretty sure they‘ll refund it. This happened to me with a bag of nuts, not bought from Aldi, a while back. It can happen

  9. That’s a lebensmittelmotte larva. Throw out everything, put up moth traps. If they spread, it’s awful.

  10. Just get your money back from ALDI. I don’t think you should stop shopping there because of this though.

  11. Miserable_Ad_8695 on

    Sometimes, I ask myself how people are able to live by themselves, seeing posts like this.

  12. nickbulamadi on

    extra protein, for less price. bet you can’t find these at coop or migros. we shall thank aldi.

  13. Shinyaku88 on

    Mostly a Lebensmittelmottenlarve… it’s not directly ALDIs fault, these animals are everywhere…

  14. AutomaticAccount6832 on

    Food is not sterile. Not in Aldi, not in Switzerland.

    Do you think someone checks every particle with a microscope? People seem to think food grows on the shelf.

    You wouldn’t want to know what could be in processed stuff like marmalade or tomato sauce. But at least there it isn’t alive though.

    Report it. Get your money back. But it’s not available for this kind of product.

  15. wetfart_3750 on

    How to get rid of these things? I’ve been killing 10-20 of these a day in the last 2 weeks

  16. GYN-k4H-Q3z-75B on

    You need to throw away the open stuff that you had next to it immediately. There will be more of them. Once you see them it is too late and they’re hard to get rid of.

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