Katzenverbrecher: Was tun mit den Killerkatzen der Schweiz? Katzen töten in der Schweiz jedes Jahr Millionen Vögel, Frösche und andere Tiere, doch die meisten Politiker sind nicht gewillt, etwas dagegen zu unternehmen. Würde ein „Katzenmoratorium“, das den Import und die Zucht von Katzen für zehn Jahre verbietet, etwas bewirken?


Von Realistic-Lie-8031


  1. i_am__not_a_robot on

    *”Feline felons”* ist clickbait-level nonsense. It’s not the cats’ fault, they are just acting on instinct.

    But if there’s a scientific consensus that restricting domestic cat ownership is important for preserving biodiversity, which I personally didn’t know about, then I’m all for it.

  2. Do_Not_Touch_BOOOOOM on

    It would make sense from a nature conservation point of view, but the reality is that it would be political suicide. Any politician with a halfway functioning sense of politics will keep their hands off it.

  3. My 5 cents – as a ex-dog owner, you are required to pay extra tax for the dog and pick up its feces. If not, you will face significant fee.

    At the same time – cats are walking around no problem, peeing into kids sand playgrounds and simply poop wherever, drag killed birds to playground and leave it there, …

    This is quite a discrepancy in my opinion.

    I don’t understand how is it OK to let your cat roam free, kill and poop and whatever, while your dog will be euthanized if it kills rabbit in the forest.

  4. I actually changed my opinion on this, we need better control. According to animal shelters there are more and more wild cats roaming, not neutered or otherwise treated to remain healthy.

    We need a similar system like with dogs. I love cats, but they should not be outdoors. Maybe an exception at very remote farm houses where there are plenty of mouse to hunt so they don’t divert attention to birds.

    I don’t have the solution, but we should work towards accepting the facts that not every household should own outdoor cats. Most cats will be happy to remain indoor, if this is not possible due to your living condition then maybe get a hamster.

  5. A very important part that’s missing: cats also act as pest control hunting mice. For people with gardens and farms this is a major reason to have cats.

    Iirc England once did something similar and then they had less empty mouse burrows where bumblebees could move in and therefore less bumblebees. Ecosystems are a really complex matter.

  6. TotalWarspammer on

    There should be a cull of stray cats every year. Otherwise eventually native species will go extinct or become critically endangered. Like all human problems, only humans can solve it.

    Cats should also be indoor-only.

  7. pukekopuke on

    Why can’t they start with encouraging people to keep their cats indoors? Have you ever tried to adopt a cat in CH from a shelter? Their requirements are frankly ridiculous. Their default is to say the cat should be adopted somewhere with access to the outside and no cars around. I saw an ad on tutti the other day for the kittens of a previously stray cat. They were to be adopted into apartments with no less than 80m2 and an 8m2 fenced in terrace.

    So if I want to adopt a second cat in CH to keep my indoor cat company, I almost have no choice but to get one from a (backyard) breeder.

  8. GildedfryingPan on

    People in the big cities talking about bio diversity but then have pets that ravage the wild life. LMAO

  9. MeYouUsStories on

    Bells mandatory: to warn their potential victims

    Registration and tax, like for dogs, will reduce the fashion to have a cuddly pet and to make owners responsible

    This tax to fund sterilization actions for feral cats

    Max one cat per household

    Education campaign explaining the issue and showing dead birds, lizards, as cat owners do not realise/accept that their cute gentle animal is a serial killer

    I knew a vegan person who had five cats, kings of her house (an armchair was reserved for them and we were not allowed to seat or put bags on it): she did not have a problem to feed them with crap meat industrial products. Modern mental conflicts…

    Political people will not dare to touch these pet owners-voters: like Chirac did in Paris when sidewalks were covered by dog poo. Thus he invented the infamous ‘Motocrottes’.

  10. san_murezzan on

    I’m a cat person but I struggle to understand why we need to import any at this point (maybe special breeds?). Aren’t we one of the most cat-dominated countries in Europe?

  11. Available_War4603 on

    It would have no chance of passing and only bring bad PR to environmentalists. Outdoor cats are extremely popular irl, though not on reddit. There’s a reason we have so many outdoor cats, and many consider it animal cruelty to deny a cat free access to the outdoors.

  12. PrinzBirujin on

    or we could all just keep our cats inside so they don‘t go out killing? oooh no animal cruelty buhuuuu cry me a river!

  13. Cats are hunters and hunters kill. Humans kept cats as pest control for thousands of years, as we kept dogs for hunting, security purposes, and companionship. As for birds, they are killed by cats, but by wind turbines too, they collide with vehicles, buildings, and especially windows. So do we need to stop using windows, buildings, and vehicles?

    This whole argument can’t be taken seriously, and the ones who proposed it need an urgent psychiatric evaluation.

  14. zaxanrazor on

    Cats really should be inside with an appropriate netted/restricted outside area.

    Roaming cats are not happy, they are constantly in fight or flight mode and they’ll be lucky to get 8 years old because of stress related health issues or traffic.

    Been a cat owner all my life. The difference between cats that have a secure but smaller territory vs the instinctive 2 square miles they seek out and constantly fight to protect when there are no boundaries is night and day.

  15. Just keep them indoors. Cats found outdoors will have their owners contacted and punished. No chip/owner, then shelter time. No importing other species is good though. Breeders will slow once the demand is reduced when people have to actually make sure their cat is adequately engaged and stimulated indoors and suddenly understand the meaning of the word “responsibility”.

  16. heubergen1 on

    The animal shelter already have ridicouls rules regarding getting an animal from them, we surely don’t need that in the law too.

    People should be free to have cats as they want them, as long as there’s not gross animal cruelty no one should be able to do something.

  17. lordhelmchench on

    It would be much better to make sure the birds get a space to live. The cats, as they are a native predator, would not a problem if we humans would not destroy the habitat of the animals so much.

  18. laetitiadll on

    We should make sure all cats are spayed. Force to microship them and pay some fee like dogs. Stray cats should not roam free without having a owner and the government should take care of that.

    A cat that is properly feed will not hunt that much. My cat sometimes comes back with a mouse but it’s only when it’s not satisfied with the food I gave him.

    People would be relieved if there was professionals hired to trap stray cats and spay them. Unfortunately the people doing that are doing it on good will.

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