Nachdem ich fast zwei Jahre lang keine richtige Astrofotografie gemacht hatte, beschloss ich, es mit Andromeda noch einmal zu versuchen.


  1. Admirable-Goat-6103 on

    Oh joy… another image of M31. Hasn’t this already been done…. about a million times? If ever there was a hobby that met the definition of insanity, it would be astrophotography.

  2. ThoughtsAndSpells on


    I do sports and fashion photography but I’ve never taken pictures of space. Then, I marvel at pictures like yours.

  3. My [attempt]( with an iPhone 14 Pro, it was actually the first time I actually saw M31 with my own eyes, it’s very faint but I can easily tell it’s there by my peripheral vision, truly a majestic sight

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