Russland kürzt finanzielle Unterstützung für Abchasien – „schwerer Schlag“ für die Beziehungen
Russia cuts financial support to Abkhazia in ‘serious blow’ to relations
Von Timidwolfff
Russland kürzt finanzielle Unterstützung für Abchasien – „schwerer Schlag“ für die Beziehungen
Russia cuts financial support to Abkhazia in ‘serious blow’ to relations
Von Timidwolfff
Fuck around and find out
Moscow informed Sukhumi (Sukhum) that they would halt budgetary support to Abkhazia until a number of pro-Russian reforms were enacted. Those reportedly included lifting restrictions on the purchase of real estate in Abkhazia by Russian citizens, adopting an agreement that would mutually recognise court decisions, the adoption of the **foreign agent law**.
This is crazy, this 100% confirms that the Russian law is actually Russian, and Russia told the government to do it. The GD are traitors