
Ich werde in Kürze Prizren, Peja und Pristina besuchen und suche nach Restaurants/Gerichten, die für eine glutenfreie Ernährung geeignet sind.

Darüber hinaus habe ich eine Erklärung der Diät auf Albanisch gefunden, die ich dem Restaurantpersonal zeigen kann. Ist diese sinnvoll oder würden Sie empfehlen, etwas anderes zu zeigen? https://www.celiactravel.com/cards/albanian/

Vielen Dank, wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!

Gluten free in Kosovo
byu/rozzle92 inkosovo

Von rozzle92


  1. The explanation card is pretty usefull. There are only few options for gluten free food. Most dishes contain it in some way.

  2. SuperHazeMaster on

    Sorry to inform but we aint got pussy ass stomach disorders in Balkan.

  3. In Prishtina there is a small restaurant called Panino Gluten Free which has an extensive gluten free menu. Salt has some gluten free options also. Can’t speak to Prizren or Peje.

    In shops like SPAR, Conad there are a lot of gluten free options if you want bread, pasta, etc or just some snacks.

    Think the allergy itself (or at least if you mention it is an allergy to wheat) is well understood, but cross-contamination isn’t. Almost any restaurant will have some variant of meat and rice, so you’ll have lots of options even if not at dedicated gf restaurants – but just ask them to cook it separately and keep cross-contamination in mind.

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