Ich habe dieses Cerelac-Produkt von Nestlé aus Neugierde gekauft, da ich gelesen habe, dass ihm in Entwicklungsländern Zucker (etwa 25–28 Gramm) zugesetzt wird, wobei es sich entweder um Zucker oder Honig handelt. In Deutschland und der Schweiz beispielsweise ist ihm kein Zucker zugesetzt. In der Zutatenliste kann ich weder Zucker, Honig noch Süßstoff irgendeiner Art finden. Es enthält etwa 25 Prozent Milchpulver, das eine bestimmte Menge natürlich vorkommenden Zuckers enthalten kann, aber es ist unmöglich, dass dieser Wert 28 g pro 100 g erreicht, da dies der Zuckermenge in Kuchenhöhe entspricht. Daher frage ich mich, ob ich etwas übersehen habe, denn wenn dies nur ein Fehler wäre, wäre das ziemlich merkwürdig, da es sich hierbei um ein Babynahrungsprodukt handelt und strengen Vorschriften unterliegen sollte.
Von Qr7t
The Wheat flour. Carbohydrate rich food contains a lot of sugar per default. Also as you said: The milkpowder too.
Flour is basically starch, a complex carbohydrate.
I imagine that the “teilweise aufgeschlossen” (literally: partially unlocked) here refers to splitting up the long-chain carbohydrates into shorter-chain carbohydrates, some of which can be sugars.
It fits. 100 g of powdered milk contains abt. 38 grams of sugar, sometimes even more. This is 25 % that – it is 400 g so theres 100 g of powdered milk
Magermilchpulver contains 38g of sugar per 100g.
It’s Laktose
Flour and milk.
The flour is treated such that some of the normally long carbohydrates are chopped into smaller parts and sugar are very short carbohydrates.
“Magermilchpulver” – skimmed milk powder has a lot of sugar. Googled it and there are numbers between 40-60g per 100g, so yeah pretty high.
Milk powder contains lots of sugar
Nestle was/is caught adding sucrose and other form of sugar in Non-european countries, which is forbidden in EU and other developed countries.
Lactose present in milk is a sugar.
The thing is: not all sugars are the same thing (as in, not all of them are sucrose, which is what you are thinking of when talking of cake, and that itself is made of two sugars: glucose and fructose. You can also buy either of these two sugars as ingredients).
As others have written: milk alone has a lot of lactose, which is a sugar and other ingredients have other sugars. The chemical name of most sugars ends with “ose” in English, if you really want to search which sugars exist in which ingredient.
And of course, not all sugars have the same effect in the body or are processed equally.
The carbs in the wheat flour were spliced into sugars (thats what the “teilweise aufgeschlossen” means), and milk powder is sugar (lactose) to a large part, as well
White flour is starch and “aufgeschlossen” meant shorter sugars.
To the OP, please define “sugar” better in your question. Do you mean specifically sucrose or generally sugars in a broad chemical sense?
There are different columns in the nutrition facts. There is one where just 100 g of just the powder is listed and one with 100 g of prepared food.
Since only water is added to prepare the food, the prepared food naturally has a lower sugar content than the unprepared powder.
Midwife told us only to feed PRE milk in the first year, others are not regulated by law and may contain whatever the producer likes to.
What is your source of info that it doesn’t have added sugar? Seems to me that they have not disclosed all the ingredients in the (about 30% of it) ingredients section. But then have to disclose all nutritional info where the added sugar shows up.
Milk is full of sugar! Lactose 🙂
From the milk? Milk is rich in LactOSE. The -ose morphem indicating that that’s a sugar. 🙂
So there you go. That’s the sugar they disclosed.
the wheat flour („teilweise aufgeschlossen“) can contain suggar (Maltose) and the milkpowder also contains suggar (lactose), but I think it is just the wrong lable printed there, because technically in germany there is only the saccharose declared as suggar in those lists.
Aufgeschlossen means that they used the enzyme amylase to turn starch into sugar.
I mean isn’t wheat and milk basically a sugar mix
It’s from the milk.
Also don’t buy Nestlé, there’s more than enough alternatives out there.