Schaf, Ziege, Büffel, Esel, Elch, Kamel, Mensch… Käse…: SIND WIR FÜR SIE EIN WITZ?

Im Ernst, VRT NWS. Machen Sie es richtig. "Das keine tierischen Produkte enthält". Mach es verdammt noch mal richtig.

Von michilio


  1. Right, besides the title mishap, when is it commercialized? Because I feel like this stuff will piss off the cheese lobby, and then there’ll be legal stuff and whatever, and then we’ll have to call it “cow juice based creamy product” or something… if it ever makes it there.

  2. Het maken op zich: zéér cool.

    Maar nu nog de uitdaging waar ook andere no-meat alternatieven het moeilijk mee hebben: de boel opgeschaald krijgen en het zo betaalbaar in de markt kunnen zetten.

  3. DavidHewlett on

    Nothing is ever going to beat HLN on the purchase of the F-35:

    “This plan can fly 3.5 times the speed of light”

    Not only did they mistake the metric, and in the process break physics (sound, not light), but they even got the VALUE wrong, because the F-35 can’t even do Mach 3.5.

    AI generated content will honestly be an upgrade for the Belgian media landscape, in many cases.

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