- Alte Brücke von Mostar
- Mostar-Koski-Mehmed-Pascha-Moschee
- Gemeinde Sarajevo Hrasno
- Sarajevo Bascarsija
- Zagreb Kroatien
- Kroatische Dinarische Alpen zwischen Split und Dubie
- Dubrovnik Kroatien mit Blick auf Lovrijenac
- Dubrovnik Kroatien Stadtbild
- Altstadt von Budva, Montenegro
- Lateinerbrücke in Sarajevo
- Belgrad Serbien Kneza Mihaila
- Belgrad Serbien Festung Kalemegdan
- Skopje Mazedonien Zentrum
- Festung Skopje Mazedonien
- Sofia Bulgarien Alexander-Newski-Kathedrale
- Sofia Bulgarien Stadtmuseum
- Plovdiv Bulgarien Philipopolis Stadion
- Plovdiv, Bulgarien – antike römische Ruinen
- Ruse Bulgarien
- Bukarest Rumänien Parlamentspalast
Von MussleGeeYem
I was born there and I hate it
To visit – sure, there are pretty things. To live in though? It’s hell, no wonder everyone has wanted to move to germany and other developed nations for decades now.
Croatia is not underrated
I don’t think it’s underrated – at least not in the last few years. Bosnia is full of tourists still and it’s September.