Bericht: „Brutale Gewalt“ begleitete „schockierende“ Ausmaße an irischen konfessionellen Schulen


  1. Brave-Tangerine-4334 on

    What’s really fucking creepy is 2/3 of the world hasn’t even really *begun* unraveling the abuses taking place within institutes that demanded trust without oversight.

  2. WrongTimelineMan on

    Are people still surprised by religious zealots being assholes?

  3. My wife is first generation Irish, and she’s told me horror stories about “Irish nuns” at the private schools she grew up in. Her stories will keep you awake at night. Monsters everywhere.

  4. OrangeJr36 on

    Okay, then stop having schools with limited accountability to the Government.

  5. TheBlueArsedFly on

    My dad went to a Christian Brothers (Galway, Ireland) school. He tells of kids getting beaten for everything and anything. If you step out of line in any way, or if the priests _think_ you stepped out of line, you’ll get whipped. Wrong answer when they ask you something – whipped.

    And that’s not the kids who got raped. My dad was lucky that he didn’t but he knows people who did.

  6. If you want to know how bad Ireland was, in the movie the Keepers, the main abuser Father Maskell left Baltimore with the police hot on his trail for….Ireland where he lived and worked for 4 years, collected his priest salary, and abused more children.

  7. panplemoussenuclear on

    This was all happening in the US as recently as the 70s and 80s.

  8. TheBlueArsedFly on

    The unfortunate history of Ireland in the 20th century is a story of out of the frying pan and into the fire. Ireland didn’t want to live under UK rule, and there was no doubt that it was a valid desire, but it was better for them than what they got when they were given independence. That left the country ripe for the raping by the predator priests.

  9. entrepenurious on

    more people who misinterpreted “suffer the little children….”

  10. robotdaddyv721 on

    Didn’t the late Sinead O’Connor suffer from the treatment of nuns at these schools? I heard it first from her.

  11. It’s ok though, because Ireland is busy trying to claim that they have the moral high ground over Israel. Clean up your fucking hour Sinn Fein.

  12. Religious institutions… being abusive!?! Now this is a shocker! /s

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