Durchschnittliche Wohnfläche pro Person nach Land (gemessen in Quadratmetern und Quadratfuß)

Von mangos-and-smiles


  1. hungry4danish on

    Everything being shown in square feet and then that one graph suddenly changing to m^(2) makes no logical sense.

  2. why stop at home sizes? having children is massively resource intensive, and probably the single largest contribution anyone can make to their carbon footprint (BTW, a term devised by British Petroleum to misdirect people from BP’s immense carbon impacts).

    don’t have kids.

    don’t eat out, either.

    while you’re at it, stop eating meat and all other animal products like cheese, milk, yogurt, fish, eggs, etc.

    don’t you dare travel – transportation is far too carbon intensive.

    you should also try disconnecting from the electrical grid – electricity is also quite carbon intensive and utilities are fighting tooth and nail to keep from going green.

    and since we’re on the topic, stop using technology. computers, laptops, phones, cloud, internet, everything. their production and ongoing power consumption spews carbon like you wouldn’t believe. this should be easy once you have no electricity 🙂

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