Australien „sehr besorgt“ über die Vorladung des iranischen Botschafters wegen eines pro-LGBTIQ+-Postens


  1. No-Paint8752 on

    But Islam is so well known for being tolerant of others? Or is that just the other direction?

  2. The headlines make it look like the ambassador is a Saudi journalist or something, pretty dark.

  3. jonathanrdt on

    The modern age is plagued by dogma. The modern scientific method with hypothesis testing and statistics is less than a century old, but it initiated the digital age and gave us a detailed understanding of reality and ourselves.

    Yet people are still going to prison and being killed for being themselves, all thanks to some old books written by people who knew very little about anything.

  4. It is almost as if Muslims aren’t down with the gay agenda; and yet, somehow, the cultural Marxists of the West want to promote Islam over Christianity, the latter being far more accepting of alternative lifestyles than the former.

  5. HeroicLegend0 on

    Honestly Iran can kindly shut up for once. Any belief that harms innocent people deserves to be insulted at the very least, and Iran’s precious values fall under that category.

  6. Independent-Ice-40 on

    Dude is going to get decapitated and Australia will declare long overdue war on Iran and sent in their army of angry spiders. Iran will defend itself with nukes and we will finaly have MUTANT RADIOACTIVE MEGASPIDERS.

  7. serendipitousevent on

    Iran’s response was to arrange a get together between two men? Hmmmmmmm

  8. Budderlips-revival23 on

    What about a purple burka? Then it would comply with Iranian Muslim tradition of keeping women in a bag to perpetuate the misogynistic apartheid of their regime 

  9. StringAndPaperclips on

    > In the statement, the ministry’s head of regional affairs was quoted as saying the post was “in violation of international law” and the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which “mandates that diplomatic missions respect the laws and regulations of the host country”.

    This is a major stretch unless it’s point blank against the law in Iran to express solidarity with the LGBT community.

  10. So religious nutcases in Iran are all frothing just because an ambassador said something positive and inclusive?

    I am sure these religious nutcases wants to murder the ambassador too just like they murdered defenseless girls because of hair. But I don’t suppose they have the guts to even think about it when their intended victim is not so defenseless.

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