Polen beansprucht das Recht, russische Raketen über der Ukraine abzuschießen



  1. I can’t believe this has grown to be such a concern for NATO and others. How can it possibly be an “escalation” to defend your country via a neighbor that is willing to share your defense. Surely, any form of defense, on your border or on a willing neighbors territory, must be way lower on the scale of escalatory actions than an offense!

  2. Yes, it should have been done 2 years ago. The west should stop showing weakness to Russia and the sooner they do so the sooner they will realize that Ukraine and the west is not to be messed with.

  3. BattlingMink28 on

    There’s some serious 3D underwater backwards chess going on with the politics of this war that I just don’t understand.

    Poland wants to shoot down drones and wont supply aircraft. US handcuffs Ukraine from actual progress yet wants to supply long range cruise missiles. Everyone else gives the green light to use their equipment inside Russia… It just feels like every country wants Ukraine to succeed without actually letting them.

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