Taliban stellen weibliche Spione ein, um Frauen beim Verstoß gegen strenge neue Gesetze zu erwischen



  1. TheTelegraph on

    ***The Telegraph reports:***

    The Taliban is using female workers to spy on other women to [enforce harsh new laws](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/08/22/taliban-bans-afghan-women-looking-strange-men-loud-talking/).

    Since returning to power in 2021, the Afghan regime has [banned women](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/08/27/watch-afghan-women-defy-taliban-by-singing-in-public/) from working outside the home or attending school and university.

    But some women are still employed at the Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (MPVPV), the body that polices the restrictions, and more recruits are wanted.

    “They are needed to handle other women,” said an official from the ministry.

    The official said the Taliban has hired women to monitor Instagram pages and report instances where women post pictures with uncovered faces.

    “You know how Instagram works … they can hide their pages so no one can see them, but we have women who are our eyes,” said the official, who works at the ministry’s women’s department.

    He added that some women are coerced into this role, while others are paid for their work, which also includes accompanying [male Taliban members](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/08/21/taliban-sacks-hundreds-of-men-who-cannot-grow-beards/) on street patrols.

    **Read more:** [**https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/09/02/taliban-hires-female-spies-to-catch-women-breaking-laws/**](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/09/02/taliban-hires-female-spies-to-catch-women-breaking-laws/)

  2. supercyberlurker on

    The sad truth is that while many men want power over women, so do many women.

  3. Ordinary_Scale_5642 on

    Well this isn’t surprising.
    Human history is full of one group being oppressed, and then turning around and oppressing another group to make themselves feel better.

  4. Any woman applying gets arrested for wanting to work outside the home.

  5. Why is this surprising? Women are generally the religious focal centre of the family. They are usually barred from official power but they tend to be the ones who are responsible for religious education within the home and for the family’s attendance in church/ mosque etc.

    Women historically have been the most pious, the old churches understood this well and religious zealots, tend to use this for recruitment, using mothers to put pressure on their sons due to the natural affection that forms since in suce societies, the father is out working while the mother is in the home, in constant contact with the children.

  6. ApocalypseYay on

    *The oppressor would not be so strong, if it weren’t for accomplices within the oppressed.*

    – Simone de Beauvoir

  7. Right_Pack4693 on

    “I want the names of 6 women and their infractions on my desk at 0600 tomorrow morning”

  8. ThermalDeadAim2 on

    >One of the female informants, Amina, told AFP that she was hired to spy on women.

    What the fuck is her name???


    She needs to be hanged.

  9. bucket_overlord on

    A similar thing happened in the past with the Pinkerton Detective Agency. They were among the first such organizations to hire women to work in the field. This was so that they could infiltrate women-only spaces.

    Edit: it turns out that coincidentally there’s a [TIL post about the first example](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/CwVGLKkMM8), just posted today!

  10. RedditNeverHeardOfI1 on

    Not suprising, Many islamist groups and governments had and have female involvment in religious enforcement from isis with their Al Khansaa brigades and iran with their religious police

  11. PainSpare5861 on

    Met one moderate Muslim in my country, he is secular, believe that woman should have freedom to wear whatever she want, but is very against any criticism of the treatment of Woman by Taliban, saying that all of Afghan woman **Choose** to dress this way and we shouldn’t disrespect their choice.

    How can I made him to understand this real situation?

  12. StrikingExcitement79 on

    Wait… wouldnt that mean the female will have to speak to her taliban handlers without the presence of male relatives or the approvals of the husband/father?

  13. saint-butter on

    >”The ministry needs more women across the country, but the current situation is not good and few are volunteering to work at the ministry.”

    Oh darn. How unfortunate. I wonder why they can’t find more women to work for them.

  14. wildhorsesofdortmund on

    Come on. Citizens of Afghanistan, get these Taliban into the dirt. So so depressing to read of atrocities against women

  15. Dr_Sleep12 on

    So women aren’t allowed to work except for when they work to catch other women?

  16. HiroPetrelli on

    The need to control others, especially through coercion, humiliation and sufferings is a sickness of the ego which is common in sad and immature people and frequently inherited from previous generations’ victims/perpetrators in a hard to break chain of misery.

  17. mibonitaconejito on

    But really it’s just men in burquas hoping to see a woman nude

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