Japanischer Teenager springt in den Tod und tötet Fußgänger unter ihm



  1. Damn if there’s an afterlife that would be a real awkward first moment.

  2. It happened near Yokohama station on Saturday. The 17 y/o student who jumped was in her third year of high school. The 32 y/o woman was walking along the street with two friends, when she got hit by the student.

  3. _antisocial_bastard on

    This scenario happened to me once on rdr 2 and I thought to myself, imagine if something like this would happen in real life, and here we are …

  4. AppleTango87 on

    Sad story.
    Even sadder is I know these comments will be filled with stupid anime jokes or whatever 

  5. hotstuffdesu on

    This is why you should not do it on your own and instead let Truck-kun find its way and do its thing.

  6. hosszufaszoskelemen on

    Thats just tragedic comedic. Its funny, but man do i feel bad for laughing

  7. That poor woman… Hope the 2 friends she was with receive support, they probably need it

  8. I can’t believe my eyes that people are making jokes about this tragedy. The worst of humanity is just getting worse.
    Joking about someone’s death just to look cool. These people are what’s wrong with this world.

  9. Intelligent-Mud2551 on

    These teens have a thing or two to learn about self-yeeting etiquette.

  10. Tempacco94 on

    Awful situation, knowing the teens family will probably have to pay restitution to the pedestrians family

  11. SulphaTerra on

    Oh gosh, the victim must have been the mother of Amélie Poulain?

  12. Cyb0rg-SluNk on

    >Japan is the only G7 country where suicide is the leading cause of death for teenagers.

    At first glance, this sounds like a bad thing.

    But when you consider that the leading cause of death of teenagers in America is guns, it actually makes it sound a lot better that the teenagers in Japan that die, do so by choice.

  13. OpenYourEyes9 on

    That’s sad. That country really should do more to try and stop things like those, because it really doesn’t seem to get much better.

    I feel really bad for both the girl who was pushed to suicide so young and at the innocent woman who died simply because she was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

  14. I’m sorry but anyone who k*lls themselves that effect other innocents are losers

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