Massiver Verkehr auf der Autobahn von Limassol, der sich seit dem Morgen aufgrund eines Autounfalls staut. Vermeiden Sie die Autobahn wenn möglich.

Von ChocolatePositive577


  1. Civil_Medium_3032 on

    lol accident in limassol not surprised at all, but thanks for the heads up

  2. Personal-Wing3320 on

    huh, if only all that money that limasol got from investors could be properly used to address the lack of motorway infrastructure. Limassol in last years has seen an insane surge of people? yet we only have 2 lane highways🤡🤡🤡

  3. KostiPalama on

    Everyday engineering on youtube has interesting point. They explain that adding another lane might cause more problems than fixing it. Worth a look.

  4. But how could avoid it I mean is there alternate routes beyond Highway?

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