Meine Firma bot mir einen betrieblichen Pensionsplan an, nachdem ich ein halbes Jahr bei ihnen gearbeitet hatte. Nach einigen Recherchen entschied ich mich, das Angebot abzulehnen und sagte ihnen, dass ich das Angebot schätze, es aber nicht annehmen möchte. Sie antworteten mir per E-Mail, dass ich es trotzdem unterschreiben und an sie zurückschicken MÜSSE. Meine Frage ist, wie wahr das ist. Muss ich es wirklich unterschreiben? Gibt es irgendwelche Vorteile dafür? Welche Auswirkungen hätte es auf mich/was wären die Kosten? (Ich streiche die sensiblen Daten und meine persönlichen Daten durch)
Von Scary-Neighborhood97
They have to have it in writing, that you don’t want it. And they want just the official form for that.
Just sign it.
Well what you posted gives you the option to reject it. Are you sure you just didn’t understand something?
They don’t want you to claim, years later, that you had absolutely no idea they were offering this, and you now want compensation.
If you select the second option, you confirm that you don’t want it, and that you knowingly give up 13.30 monthly plus any other benefits.
There are two options on that form
O … I want to participate
O … I don’t want to participate
What your employer wants from you is that you fill out the form, choose one of the two options, and sign it. This is so that they can proof that they have informed you about the availability of this savings plan.
Tbf this whole thing stinks. Not that they ask for your signature, that’s just them covering their asses.
But that they only give you 13,30 EUR per month. That isn’t correct. The law says they have to put up 15% of whatever amount you want to put away for your retirement, up to the amount of 288 EUR per month. And while it depends on a few factors 13,30 EUR per month isn’t enough for that, unless they force you to take a specific amount. Which isn’t right either.