Hersh Goldberg-Polin, ein von der Hamas als Geisel gehaltener Amerikaner israelischer Herkunft, ist tot



  1. StageFun7648 on

    Such a shame that he died. His parents gave a speech at the DNC which spurred shouts of “Bring them Home” also made respect to his friend, Aner Shapira, who died while defending his fellow civilians by throwing back Hamas grenades.

  2. Inner_Rope6667 on

    Still can’t believe there are westerners who side with Hamas 

  3. What a horrible indictment on our country that we can’t even agree that saving a fellow American citizen held captive by a genocidal terrorist group is a good thing. People are openly espousing antisemitism and cavalier with it. Antisemitism has truly become mainstream in a way that I never thought possible.

    We are so poisoned with radical regressive ideologies that are serving foreign influence. Truly maddening.

  4. TheJenniferLopez on

    How are hamas apologists gonna spin these latest rounds of murders.

  5. PlebsFelix on

    Pretty sad that there were so many Americans openly marching in support of Hamas and chanting Hamas slogans as an American hostage was dying in captivity.

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