Nachdem ich mir das zwei Tage lang angesehen habe, scheint es, als hätte Finnland sich bei Olympia zehnmal so viel Mühe gegeben, wie es hätte tun sollen. Kosonen wäre mit dieser Leistung in Paris unter den Top 10 gelandet……….was zum Teufel tut der finnische Olympiaverband, wenn es darum geht, die richtigen Athleten auszuwählen?!?!
Von InstructionOk2463
You just don’t understand.
Beating Sweden is far more important than doing well at the Olympics.
Because olympics is lame.
Beating Sweden is what matters.
In Finland we have this saying: “The most important thing is not winning, rather it’s that Sweden loses”
Torille. 💪
Way less public pressure on athletes and when they are a bit more relaxed combined with the atmosphere and team spirit in this event, it yields results.
Chad Ruotsi-ottelu vs. virgin summer olympics
What sport is that? Athletics of some kind?
Pääasia ei ole voitto, vaan se että Ruotsi häviää.
Grattis, Finland!
It doesn’t matter who will win. Just that Sweden loses!
This traditional Finnish-Swedish athletic match used to be a very important thing. It has a long glorious history. Now it feels that they simply don’t dare to quit the tradition.
Silja Kosonen was 5th in Paris.
Are you talking about Silja Kosonen? She WAS in top ten in Paris Olympics, she placed fifth.