Ein Jahr Stromverbrauch, dann bin ich umgezogen [OC]

Von ZedTeque6

1 Comment

  1. Data retrieved from my main electrical meter from the company:

    * Used a Raspberry-pi with home made component and my own library to parse meter data(https://blog.ztec.fr/en/2022/post/go_edf_teleinfo_release/)
    * Then used ZLinky_TIC when I moved. Meter is now outside my flat, I cannot use the old system anymore (https://lixee.fr/produits/37-72-zigate-usb-ttl-3770014375148.html#/26-antenneexterne-oui) +home-assistant with a zigbee controller to receive data.

    My old flat was a typical Parisian 1890 Hausman apartment with Electrical heating system (during winter only).

    My new flat is a 1950 french typical apartment with single layer windows, and collective heating system.
    The move happened during the gap on the right.

    I did not change anything else except heating elements. My life is the same. I cannot explain the difference (outside of the heating not consuming anything anymore).

    Higher rez image: [https://imgur.com/a/RNYAQu0](https://imgur.com/a/RNYAQu0)

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