Die Opfer des 11. September

Von ImaginaryPassenger6


  1. OpeningPossibility7 on

    I’m ready for the inevitable comments about New Zealand.

  2. shophopper on

    “Countries that have lost their citizens” implies these countries have no citizens left.

  3. The wording of the title makes it sound like all citizens of the shaded countries died, taking the death toll well into the billions

  4. mutantraniE on

    You can’t put the attackers in the death toll and then not color the countries they were from blue. Pick one.

  5. Training_Pause_9256 on

    Well NZ…. You’re on that map. What are you going to complain about this time? :p

  6. Eternal_Alooboi on

    Wow, this map is extremely shit. From the verbiage to straight up alterations. Ugh.

  7. 6Buttman69696 on

    I remember the news headlines telling me 2001 that one Finnish guy died there

  8. Guy_Incognito1970 on

    Not gonna show the 1 million Iraqis? Or do we now agree that’s unrelated?

  9. Kesakambali on

    Well, technically Saudi, Iraq, Lebanon should be included in the shade as the attackers also died in 9/11.

  10. wiyawiyayo on

    Most attackers were from Saudi Arabia but USA invaded Afghanistan and Iraq instead..

  11. 15 attackers from Saudi? Why just brought democracy to Afghanistan then?

  12. Plus some 12,000 Afghans (soldiers and civilians) and 13 American soldiers, killed in the invasion of Afghanistan that used the 9/11 attacks as an excuse.

  13. Indiethoughtalarm on


    Why did this mean invading Afghanistan and Iraq?


  14. SnooDogs6566 on

    15 Saudi and you invade Iraq and not the country who spread wahabism that resulted in the attack.

  15. No Afghan or Iraqi attacker or victim in the 9/11, 
    But both countries became the victim of America’s imperialism. 

  16. Emotional-Rhubarb725 on

    Such a great tragedy, We lost 19 of our brst people that day

  17. Emotional-Rhubarb725 on

    Such a great tragedy, We lost 19 of our best people that day

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