Was hat in der Geschichte Norwegens dazu geführt, dass sich seine Nordgrenze um Schweden und Finnland legte und so den Zugang zur norwegischen See/Barentssee versperrte?


Von theanointedduck


  1. Playful-Comedian4001 on

    Norwegians settled the coast. The inland was inhabited by Sami. They just carved the inland up, mostly based on the seasonal migration pattern of the Sami.

  2. CarrotWaxer69 on

    Easier to populate and conquer the land by going along the coast. The areas between Murmansk, Kiruna and Alta are somewhat inhospitable during most of the year.

  3. There is 2 parts to this: 1) noone wanted to be there and noone wanted it, therefor norway just got it as free area where people could do inbreading and hunt whatever was outside their hut 2) Trolls

  4. Before railroads and cars traveling by water was far easier than traveling by land, even when the land had gentle terrain. And the terrain in northern Scandinavia is far from gentle.

  5. JaimeeLannisterr on

    Sweden wasn’t in control that far north yet by the time Vardøhus fortress was constructed in 1306. In the 1200s and 1300s, the area was mainly contested between Norway and Novgorod

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