270 Millionen Bomben wurden von den USA auf Laos abgeworfen

Von lolzadonza


  1. EconomyMagazine5129 on

    I know Anthony Bourdain said it about Cambodia, but I think it stands true for Laos too.

    “One you’ve been there, you’ll never want to stop beating Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands”.

  2. Material_Push2076 on

    Please don’t take this comment of accepting or silver lining, but I thought it was interesting that there are entire economies still thriving recycling the scrap from these bombing runs.

  3. kaioDeLeMyo on

    It’s an interesting fact, you’d assume the bombed country would be Germany, Japan or even Vietnam itself, but no it’s Laos.

  4. random-andros on

    My friend was simultaneously an Air Force and CIA pilot during the war. He said they were often sent on illegal, clandestine cross-border incursions by the CIA, then called in in their official USAF capacities to investigate their CIA missions.

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