Was halten Sie von diesem Teileigentumshaus? Hat das schon mal jemand ausprobiert und kann seine Erfahrungen teilen? Wir möchten ein Haus kaufen und alle verfügbaren Optionen erkunden. Ich schaue mir das an, weil der Kauf eines Hauses viel Geld kostet und wir sicher sein wollen, dass „das das richtige Haus ist“.
Von 3000e
It sounds weird combo of asumisoikeusasunto (aoa) https://ta.fi/en/apartments/right-of-occupancy-apartments/ and normal buying of a share. Usually when you sell an aoa, they pay back your share + index. In Sato’s version they pay back your share – 1% annually.
To me it sounds like the worst of both worlds in some ways since you are stuck with Sato regardless. I guess it can be a good idea for some people.
This sounds like a terrible deal, but if you have money to burn and like it, who am I to say you shouldn’t.
From experience I would say that when you go check out a house with the realtor, you will know during the first 10 minutes if you could live there. You don’t need to live there first before buying to be sure. If you don’t feel it, it’s probably not the house for you.