Meine Verwirrung liegt an der Straße Am Heiligenfeld, die ebenfalls auf der linken Seite liegt. Und eine weitere Frage ist, wo ich mein Auto anhalten muss, um in dieser Situation anderen Autos, die der Vorfahrtsstraße folgen, Vorfahrt zu gewähren

Von dumbledayum


  1. Theoratically, no Need to undicate left as you leave the priority road straight on, as indicated by the sign. Be aware that people might be confused by that, since everyone forgets to indicate when following the prio road. I would stop in Front of the 2nd divider, slightly in the middle as it gives people on the right room to pass you and makes your Intention clear to leave the prio road

  2. Bluntbutnotonpurpose on

    Yes, you do need to indicate. You stop as far to the left as you can, without obstructing the oncoming traffic. You may be able to stop close to where the red line intersects the yellow one in such a way that traffic behind you can continue. If that’s not possible, it’s tough luck for them…

  3. I‘d indicate here cause visually on the second picture it looks more like a left turn than going straight

  4. Mankinds_Backbone on

    Even if BMW drivers might deny it, you absolutely need to use your turn signal here. Every lane change or crossing of lanes must be indicated. On bent priority roads in Germany, you even have to signal that you are following the right of way. The rule is: it’s better to signal one time too many than too few. By the way, any advice suggesting, “You don’t necessarily have to” or “You can if you want to,” is incorrect. German traffic law does not recognize optional or discretionary solutions. Everything is regulated.

  5. Kinky_Nipplebear on

    BMW driver here, indicate please, so that i can see where you heading to and we don’t collide when i take a turn without indicating

  6. YamRepresentative855 on

    Of course indicate left. Otherwise how others can understand wtf are you waiting for. When you just yield to the opposite direction traffic

  7. hotdogpaule on

    Whether you have to blink or not. We alll want safe roads so just use your blinker. Dont forget there are always dumb people with you on the road and the use of your turnsignal might help.

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