NATO bekräftigt Absicht, die Verteidigung der Ukraine nach den jüngsten russischen Angriffen zu stärken


  1. Legal-Transition7925 on

    Looks like NATO might need a “How to Deal with Bullies” handbook. Russia’s definitely skipping nap time.

  2. Electronic_Impact on

    Make sure they can’t attack as much would be a lot better, you can’t defend everything but if you eliminate equipment you would have a lot less missiles to try and shoot down. Have the balls to allow it, it would save way more lives.

  3. diezel_dave on

    Okay what about Ukraine’s offence? The West needs to realize Russia can and will just terrorize Ukraine forever as long as Russia has the capabilities to do so. Ukraine needs to be able to remove those capabilities from Russia. 

  4. Ratemyskills on

    When is the US going start flooding the tap? Surely they have to be weighing the possibility of Trump winning office? So flood UA now, Trump can’t retake arms, he could undo money but arms already used or on the ground.. I just don’t get it Biden. You got nothing to lose, this is the problem I have with Harris being selected is Biden can’t go full dark Brandon bc the idiots on the left will blame Harris since they have tied their campaigns together.

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