Amerikanern droht im Kongo die Todesstrafe wegen misslungenem Putschversuch


  1. Lord_Sports on

    If my country is invovled they need to get these guys out of Jail somehow someway.

  2. Not sure how often it’d be applicable, but really, don’t go with your friend to the country his dad is claiming to belong to the shadow government of.

  3. No_Media_245 on

    Just trying to understand: Did they go there to bring American democracy? And they are now going to face Congo democracy? And if so, is US going to drop 20 megatons of pure democracy on Congo?

  4. NightOfTheLivingHam on

    Even then he is the son of the guy who tried to seize power. Even if he is innocent he is seen as a threat.

  5. hotstepper77777 on

    The father/shadow president of Congo was allegedly offering his son’s teammates $100,000 for “security work.” Sounds like those Indian men who took job offers and found themselves suddenly on the front in Ukraine.  

    This kid was the one who took him up in the offer, it sounds like. 

    Reminds me of Otto Warmbier. I don’t think he grokked the consequences of fucking with a foreign government.

  6. Marigoldspanties on

    the three guys look like they are in soccer uniforms,but also look like trained military and were there with a job to do

  7. tradertsan on

    Being an American can get you out of a lot of trouble across the world. However, staging a coup seems to be one of those things that you are on your own with.

  8. But in the US, Americans who participated in the insurrection are getting a gala hosted by our criminal ex-president.

    What is seriously, blatantly wrong with this picture?? (rhetorical question)

  9. I’m down for the worst of the MAGA crew to face the same stakes.

  10. IndianaJonesDoombot on

    I took over France when I was 14 this isn’t a big deal

  11. Send lawyers, guns, and money! Dad, get me outta this! Warren Zevon

  12. GamingGems on

    Speaking of which, what happened to those guys who tried to stage a coup in Venezuela a few years back?

  13. EuronCr0wsEye on

    There is an American here in the states that ran for the oval office and botched a coup attempt on Jan 6 and should be facing the death penalty

  14. did they have visions of 1776?………..the people will rise and unite behind their cause?……………

  15. 1805trafalgar on

    See? You see? You See what can happen if you go to college in Utah? ..”Tyler Thompson Jr., 21, a college student from Utah, was invited on a vacation to Africa”…..

  16. pinetreesgreen on

    I feel a bit bad for him. It sounds like he was really naive. But, at the point you are storming a building with weapons, you should probably figure it out. I doubt he’ll actually be put to death.

  17. Previous_Roof_4180 on

    Reminds me of that Filipina woman who claims she is the queen of Canada. Her name is Romana Didulo and this sounds like something her and her followers would attempt. Crazy idiots.

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